We give out of our love for Him.
Everything that King’s Arms is involved in is made possible through God’s provision and the generosity of His people. We truly believe that trusting God with our finances is one of the great adventures of following Jesus. Our approach to giving is not driven by obligation but rather as an expression of gratitude to God and a desire to participate in His work within our church, community and beyond.
If you'd like to give
There are several ways you can give. We have giving envelopes available on Sundays if you would like to give cash or cheques.
Alternatively, you can also donate online or by bank transfer and standing order.
To give by Bank Transfer and Standing Order:
King's Arms Trust (Bedford)
Sort Code: 60-83-01
A/C No: 20222499
(Please note as we get charged a fee for Online and Card payments, our preferred method of donation is by Bank Transfer and Standing Order.)
Giving is about Worship
Giving is an act of worship. It is an expression of thankfulness and love for God. How we use our money can reveal our priorities and what’s going on in our hearts. Everything we have is from God, and we honour Him when we give financially to bless and serve the church and those around us.
What does the Bible say about giving?
The Bible teaches us a lot about handling our money and giving. It says give because we want to, not because we ‘have’ to. It says to give regularly, proportionally (according to income) – and in faith: trusting God to provide. Giving ten percent (a ‘tithe’) is a great starting point and part of being family in the local church.
Gift Aid
If you pay income/capital gains tax, Gift Aid enables us to get an extra 25% from your gift, at no extra cost to you. For us to claim this back from the government we need an up-to-date declaration form. You can complete this online via the King’s Arms Hub under the 'My giving' section here or by completing a giving envelope on a Sunday.
Where does the money go?
Over 10% of our donations are used to support King's Arms missionaries in the Middle East, North Africa and Mexico; as well as churches and ministries in Ukraine, France, Spain, Tajikistan and Turkey; as well as enabling apostolic support for churches in New Zealand, Switzerland, Germany, Kenya, Russia and beyond.
Our financial stability relies on the generous contributions of our members and attendees, and we are fully transparent about our financial operations. To see a detailed report of our church and building finances, please email rob.brown@kingsarms.org